Big Plans in the Works

We’re making plans, big plans, for an unlike-any-other adventure…at least for us! We’re not ready to spill all the beans just yet, but suffice it to say it involves passports not bassinets. As crazy as this may make me sound, I’ve grown up with the feeling that I’ve had my older self- the old lady version of me- with me most of my life. The old lady wants great stories for the porch, and encourages me to buck conventions and take risks that will ensure she’ll have them.

Even if you don’t have an old lady or old man, you understand. You’ve probably asked or been asked the hypothetical question that goes something like, “If you found out you only had X amount of time left, what would you do?” The answer for me is two-fold; spend time with loved ones, and travel around the world. The question really worth asking for me then is, what am I waiting for?


  1. Best of Joy, Luck and Love to you both on your new journey!! Can’t wait to read all about it and “hear” all about it!

    1. thanks connie, unfortunately i didn’t get this comment until now! since i posted this and you commented, so much has changed. our plans have become my plans and have been revised accordingly. but i’m so excited for all that is to come…and it’s coming soon! 🙂

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