The Roamantics Turns 1- My 7 Links of the Year

It’s the roamantics’ birthday! It’s hard to believe it was two full years ago that I leapt out of bed in the middle of the night and purchased the domain that would turn into this site…but not right away. The best of intentions turned into three short posts the following week to family and friends… Continue reading The Roamantics Turns 1- My 7 Links of the Year

Power Tools and Lipstick- The Chinook Gets a DIY Makeover

“My friend Anjel says she wants to paint your Chinook! You’d like her, she rides a Ducati to work and when she unzips her riding suit she’ll have a dress on underneath!” This from my close pal Camille, who I’d just picked up from her apprenticeship at Olive-Route. Camille went on to explain that while… Continue reading Power Tools and Lipstick- The Chinook Gets a DIY Makeover

Cute + Green = Creen! Buying a Creen House on Wheels

In the wake of my separation, I temporarily began spare-bedroom hopping and relying on friends, public transportation or my own two feet to get where I wanted to go. And while incredibly grateful for it all, I craved the ability to have my new independence reflected in all parts of my life without having to… Continue reading Cute + Green = Creen! Buying a Creen House on Wheels

Eureka! An Off-Beat Dream Leads to a Road Trip There

1. Eu·re·ka A city of northwest California on Humboldt Bay, an arm of the Pacific Ocean. Lumbering, fishing, and tourism are important to its economy. Population: 25,400. 2. eu·re·ka interj. Used to express triumph upon finding or discovering something. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.… Continue reading Eureka! An Off-Beat Dream Leads to a Road Trip There