Out of the Mouths of Babes: Travel Lessons

Recently while on a walk at the Emeryville Marina with my friend Leslie and her son, my nearly three year-old friend Dean, the conversation turned, as it so often does, to travel.  Strolling by the boats, Leslie said, “What do you think Dean; what if you, Daddy and me got on a boat and sailed… Continue reading Out of the Mouths of Babes: Travel Lessons

How to get a Good, Safe Tattoo Abroad

Recently while we were in Rarotonga, Francisco got a beautiful Polynesian-style tattoo from Ti, one of their top tattoo artists.  I stood by as he went through the process of making sure Ti and his shop would be the right fit just as he’d done a hand full of times with other tattooists & shops… Continue reading How to get a Good, Safe Tattoo Abroad

New Home for the roamantics

We’ve got a new site! After what feels like the longest week ever, a lot of reading and research, emails, 3 failed theme attempts, at least ten lengthy calls to our new web host, and a lot of futzing and nail-biting, we’re (you’re!) finally here- phew! While I set up our wordpress.com site in July… Continue reading New Home for the roamantics